upload Init
The INIT command request is used to initiate a file upload session. It returns a media_id which should be used to execute all subsequent requests. The next step after a successful return from INIT command is the APPEND command. See the Uploading media guide for constraints and requirements on media files.
Media endpoint instance.
JsonObjectApiAction for blue.starry.penicillin.models.Media model.
The size of the media being uploaded in bytes.
The MIME type of the media being uploaded.
A string enum value which identifies a media usecase. This identifier is used to enforce usecase specific constraints (e.g. file size, video duration) and enable advanced features.
A comma-separated list of user IDs to set as additional owners allowed to use the returned media_id in Tweets or Cards. Up to 100 additional owners may be specified.
Optional. Custom parameters of this request.