jsonkt
common
jsonkt
blue.
starry.
jsonkt
as
Json
Element()
boolean
List
cast()
char
char
List
char
Or
Null
copy()
copy
As
Array()
copy
As
Object()
double
List
encode
To
String()
float
List
get()
int
List
Invalid
Json
Model
Exception
is
Boolean
is
Double
is
Float
is
Int
is
Long
is
Null()
json
Array
List
json
Array
Of()
json
Array
Or
Null
Json
Cast
Exception
Json
Conversion
Exception
Json
Kt
Serializer
Json
Kt
Exception
Json
Null
Pointer
Exception
json
Object
List
json
Object
Of()
json
Object
Or
Null
json
Primitive
List
long
List
nullable
Boolean
List
nullable
Char
List
nullable
Double
List
nullable
Float
List
nullable
Int
List
nullable
Json
Array
List
nullable
Json
Object
List
nullable
Json
Primitive
List
nullable
Long
List
nullable
String
List
parse
Array()
parse
Array
Or
Null()
parse
Object()
parse
Object
Or
Null()
primitive
Or
Null
safe
Cast()
string
string
List
string
Or
Null
to
Json
Array()
to
Json
Array
Or
Null()
to
Json
Element()
to
Json
Element
Or
Null()
to
Json
Object()
to
Json
Object
Or
Null()
to
Json
Primitive()
to
Json
Primitive
Or
Null()
blue.
starry.
jsonkt.
cli
generate
Model
Class()
Json
To
Kotlin
Class
to
Model
String()
blue.
starry.
jsonkt.
delegation
boolean
Boolean
Json
Enum
boolean
List
boolean
Value()
boolean
Value
Or
Null()
by
Boolean
by
Boolean
List
by
Char
by
Char
List
by
Double
by
Double
List
by
Enum()
by
Enum
List()
by
Float
by
Float
List
by
Int
by
Int
List
by
Json
Array
by
Json
Array
List
by
Json
Element
by
Json
Element
List
by
Json
Object
by
Json
Object
List
by
Json
Primitive
by
Json
Primitive
List
by
Lambda()
by
Lambda
List()
by
Long
by
Long
List
by
Model()
by
Model
List()
by
Model
List
Or
Default()
by
Model
Or
Default()
by
Nullable
Boolean
by
Nullable
Boolean
List
by
Nullable
Char
by
Nullable
Char
List
by
Nullable
Double
by
Nullable
Double
List
by
Nullable
Enum()
by
Nullable
Enum
List()
by
Nullable
Float
by
Nullable
Float
List
by
Nullable
Int
by
Nullable
Int
List
by
Nullable
Json
Array
by
Nullable
Json
Array
List
by
Nullable
Json
Element
by
Nullable
Json
Element
List
by
Nullable
Json
Object
by
Nullable
Json
Object
List
by
Nullable
Json
Primitive
by
Nullable
Json
Primitive
List
by
Nullable
Lambda()
by
Nullable
Lambda
List()
by
Nullable
Long
by
Nullable
Long
List
by
Nullable
Model()
by
Nullable
Model
List()
by
Nullable
String
by
Nullable
String
List
by
String
by
String
List
Caching
Read
Only
Property
char
Char
Json
Enum
char
List
double
Double
Json
Enum
double
List
double
Value()
double
Value
Or
Null()
enum()
enum
List()
float
Float
Json
Enum
float
List
float
Value()
float
Value
Or
Null()
get
Value()
int
Int
Json
Enum
int
List
int
Value()
int
Value
Or
Null()
json
Array
json
Array
List
json
Array
Property()
Json
Delegate
Property
json
Element
json
Element
List
Json
Enum
Json
Key
Case
Unspecified
Lower
Camel
Case
Upper
Camel
Case
Snake
Case
Json
Model
json
Object
json
Object
List
json
Object
Property()
json
Primitive
json
Primitive
List
lambda()
lambda
List()
long
Long
Json
Enum
long
List
long
Value()
long
Value
Or
Null()
model()
model
List()
model
List
Or
Default()
model
List
Value()
model
List
Value
Or
Null()
model
Or
Default()
model
Value()
model
Value
Or
Null()
No
Such
Enum
Member
Exception
nullable
Boolean
nullable
Boolean
List
nullable
Char
nullable
Char
List
nullable
Double
nullable
Double
List
nullable
Enum()
nullable
Enum
List()
nullable
Float
nullable
Float
List
nullable
Int
nullable
Int
List
nullable
Json
Array
nullable
Json
Array
List
nullable
Json
Array
Property()
nullable
Json
Element
nullable
Json
Element
List
nullable
Json
Object
nullable
Json
Object
List
nullable
Json
Object
Property()
nullable
Json
Primitive
nullable
Json
Primitive
List
nullable
Lambda()
nullable
Lambda
List()
nullable
Long
nullable
Long
List
nullable
Model()
nullable
Model
List()
nullable
String
nullable
String
List
string
String
Json
Enum
string
List
string
Value()
string
Value
Or
Null()
jsonkt
/
blue.starry.jsonkt.delegation
/
longValueOrNull
long
Value
Or
Null
fun
JsonModel
.
longValueOrNull
(
key
:
String
)
:
Long
?